Judith E. Haut, Ph.D.
Writing Tutor
Curriculum Vitae
1989 University of California, Los Angeles Ph.D. Folklore & Mythology
1976 University of California, Los Angeles M.A. Folklore & Mythology
1973 University of California, Berkeley B.A. English
Teaching Certificate
Clear Credential, California: English and Anthropology
1999 - 2015 Teacher, North Hollywood High School, Highly Gifted Magnet
Los Angeles Unified School District
AP English Language and Composition
AP Psychology
English 9H (World Literature)
English 10H (British Literature)
Introduction to Anthropology
Extracurricular activities
Co-Coordinate the annual senior trip to Yosemite National Park - outdoor education
Sponsor Magnitude, a student-run creative writing magazine
1999 Substitute Teacher, Los Angeles Unified School District
1998, 1999 Project Director and Curriculum Designer, "A Folk Arts and Education Program: Children as Resources, Researchers and Presenters" Welby Way Elementary School, West Hills, and Fernangeles Elementary School, San Fernando, CA.
1997 - 1998 Staff Folklorist, Living Roots Conference, LAUSD Teacher-Track Coordinator (Professional development K-12)
Folk and Traditional Arts, Department of Cultural Affairs, Los Angeles, CA
1997 Project Director, School Yard Traditions
Center for Childhood, and The Department of Cultural Affairs, Los Angeles
1990 - 1995 Teaching at UCLA:
1995 (Spring) and 1995 (Fall) Visiting Instructor (Family Folklore)
1994 (Spring) and 1993 (Spring) Visiting Instructor (Children's Folklore)
1992 (Fall) Visiting Assistant Professor (Field Studies/Field Research Expedition to the Sixth Festival of Pacific Arts, Rarotonga)
1992 (Spring) Visiting Assistant Professor (Introduction to Folklore)
1991 (Fall) Visiting Instructor (Children's Folklore)
1991 Conference Coordinator (Hearing Their Stories: Narrating, Self and Cultural Diversity in the Classroom) LAUSD/UCLA Credit Course.
1990 (Fall) Visiting Instructor (Children's Folklore)
1990 (Winter) Visiting Instructor (Introduction to Folklore)
1994 - 1995 Project Coordinator, California Council for the Humanities, Los Angeles
1993-1994; 1996 Adjunct Professor/Faculty Advisor, The Union Institute. Los Angeles
(Taught Research and Writing, Senior Thesis, Children's Literature)
1989-1991 Consultant/Presenter (Folklore and Education), Performing Tree. Los Angeles
1989 Principal Fieldworker and Cultural Specialist, Pacific Islander Festival
Folk Arts Program, Cultural Affairs Department, Los Angeles
1977 - 1980 Instructor, English and Applied Linguistics Dept., University of Guam
1976 - 1980 Instructor, Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher Training Program, College of Education,
University of Guam
1975 Adult Basic Education Specialist, Marianas Islands District Education
Saipan, Northern Marianas Islands
1974 - 1975 Instructor, Business Writing and English Grammar
Personnel In-Service Training Program, University of California at Los Angeles
1998, 1999 Designed and taught new curriculum in second and fourth grade classrooms, Welby Way Elementary School and Fernangeles Elementary School: "A Folk Arts and Education Program: Children as Resources, Researchers and Presenters." Funded by the Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Community Folklife Program.
1978-1980 Working with colleagues at the University of Guam, created interdisciplinary approach for ESL requirements. Authored the Social Science textbook for the course.
2004 Presented workshop for teachers of gifted and talented students; provided lesson plans and background information for teaching writing and critical reading through comparing and contrasting Arthur Miller's The Crucible and Cotton Mather's Wonders of the Invisible World. Los Angeles Unified School District, Office of Gifted and Talented Education.
2004 Provided inservice for North Hollywood High School magnet faculty on the writing section of the new SAT exam
1998 Coordinator of the LAUSD K-12 teachers track at the Living Roots '98 National Folk and Traditional Arts Conference; facilitated and moderated events, and evaluated teachers' for-credit assignments. Sponsored by the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs, Folk and Traditional Arts Division.
1997 Designed and coordinated community and teachers' workshop, "Children's Folklore on the Schoolyard and in the Classroom" sponsored by the City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs and the Center for Childhood. Presented research findings and curriculum.
1994 Moderator for keynote speakers and participants. (School for Peace --Shalom Wahat al Salam). Presented workshop,"Commonalities in Folklore: Family Folklore". The First Annual Peace Conference. Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Ethics. Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue.
1993 Facilitator and Moderator for conference on children's folklore, "When Children Make It, When Children Tell It: Research Perspectives on the Folklore of Boys and Girls," sponsored by the UCLA Center for the Study of Comparative Folklore and Mythology.
1991 "Family Folklore." Workshop for the Maturango Museum, Ridgecrest, California. Scholar-expert for the Smithsonian traveling exhibit on family folklore.
1991 As coordinator and opening speaker of the UCLA Folklore and Education Conference, "Hearing Their Stories: Narrating, Self, and Cultural Diversity in the Classroom," assisted in the compilation of a reader, creation of writing assignments, organization of a special book sale, as well as the overall program development and planning. Conference provided credit for LAUSD teachers.
1989 - 1991 "Folk Arts and Education: An Overview." Workshop Presentations for public school teachers through Performing Tree, Los Angeles Unified School District, Idyllwild.
2014 Recipient of an EarthWatch Teaching Fellowship, opportunity to support field research about climate change, University of Lyon, France.
2012 Recipient of the J. E. Wallace Sterling Award for Academic Achievement, School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University.
2011 Named Influential Teacher, incoming freshman nomination, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
2011 Named Influential Teacher, incoming freshman nomination, Carleton College.
2010 Selected as a Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction by The National Society of High School Scholars.
2005 Recipient of National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship to attend Chaucer Seminar (Summer Institute), University of Kent, in Canterbury, England.
2002, 2004 Recognized as an outstanding high school teacher. Program sponsored by various UC campuses. (Freshman nominations from former students attending UC Riverside, UC San Diego)
2002 Named Inspirational Educator. North Hollywood High School. Sponsored by Universal Studios.
1997 Successfully wrote grant to Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Community Folklife Program, administered by the Fund for Folk Culture and underwritten by the Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund to support a folk arts program at Welby Way Elementary School, West Hills and at Fernangeles Elementary School, San Fernando, California.
1997 Recipient of a Building Cultural Bridges Award, City of Los Angeles, Department of Cultural Affairs, Traditional and Folk Arts Division
1996 Folklore About and Of Lawyers. American Folklore: An Encyclopedia, ed. Jan Brunvand. New York and London: Garland Publishing.
1994 How Can Acting Like a Fieldworker Enrich Pluralistic Education? In Putting Folklore to Use: Essays on Applied Folkloristics, ed. Michael O. Jones, 45-61. Publication of the American Folklore Society. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press.
1993 Pacific Islander Americans. Encyclopedia of Multiculturalism, ed. Marshall Cavendish. Pasadena: New Salem Press.
1992 Children as Narrators: Literature, Media and Ethnography, ed. Judith E. Haut. Special issue of Children's Folklore Review. 15 (1).
1992 "I Know a Story About That": One Young Child's Use and Understanding of Narrating. Children's Folklore Review. 15 (1): 33-46.
1992 Children's Music (a review). Children's Folklore Review. 14 (2): 21-27.
1991 Folklore in the Classroom: 19th Century Roots, 20th Century Perspectives. In Taking Stock: Current Problems and Future Prospects in American Folklore Studies, ed. Robert A. Georges. Special issue of Western Folklore 50 (1): 65-73.
1991 Expressions of Ambivalence and the Construct of Belief: "I Believe in Santa Claus But I Know He's Not Real." Children's Folklore Review. 13 (2): 3-12.
1989 To Dance Hula, To Touch the Land. Pacific Islander Festival, ed. Willie Collins, 12-14. Los Angeles: Cultural Affairs Department.
1987 Moments of Play (a review of the film by Jörgen Leth). Anthropos: The Barbara Myerhoff Film Festival, ed. Betsy A. McLane, 15. Los Angeles.
1980 The Social Sciences. People and Their Society (an interdisciplinary humanities textbook), 1-177. Mangilao, Guam: University of Guam.
1980 Index to the Pacific Archive of Folklore, University of Guam.
List available upon request.